Presentation Info

Presentation on Youtube

Google Slides

Meetup Details

Notion Intro

OOUX to Notion

Resources from Lisa

Project Management Object Map

OOUX Notion Templates

  ↑ [How to use database templates](<>)

  ↑ [How to duplicate pages or templates](<>)

More Resources

Notion Template Gallery

Marie Poulin

Red Gregory

William Nutt


About Lisa

Hi, I'm Lisa Lombardi - a UX Designer and Certified OOUX Strategist with a background in math and science education and curriculum design. My love for OOUX began while designing curriculum, and I realized that the process could help the team and company find clarity and create a cohesive product for teachers and students. Once I saw the parallels between Notion and OOUX, I was hooked and haven't looked back.

Connect with me on LinkedIn and **Twitter.**

Feel free to reach out with questions - I'd love to hear from you!
